Target Field
A ‘target field’ of companies, is drawn up in which it is felt that candidates are most likely to be found. This list may be compiled with a variety of criteria in mind. It might, for example, simply comprise the client’s main competitors in a particular sector. However, it could equally be based on more complex criteria such as companies with a similar culture to the client’s organisation or those which do not supply the same product, but sell into similar markets.
Interim Research Report
Once the target field is agreed, detailed research is carried out to establish the organisational structures and key individuals within the relevant functions of the target companies. This is usually gained from just those departments in the company themselves and is, therefore, completely up to date. This will be supported by a networking exercise through both our own existing contacts and internet interrogation.
Contacting Candidates
Contact is established with the agreed candidates and details of the opportunity outlined to them. Full career details are documented for those individuals who express a positive interest in the position and represent a close match with the candidate profile.
Final Research Report
Candidate details are presented together with a full summary of the research. This includes an outline of the responses given by all those approached as well as any useful market intelligence gleaned on issues such as salary levels in the sector or company/market perceptions.